The Importance of Tracking and Analysing Search Engine Optimisation Data

Search engines (like Google, Bing, YouTube and Amazon ) are an enormous traffic source. When users enter queries into these search engines, complex algorithms determine the most relevant results to show on SERPs (search engine result pages).

Augmentum-Digital SEO SydneyAugmentum-Digital SEO Sydney involves improving a website’s content and linking structure to enhance relevance and authority, as well as claiming, verifying and optimising listings on various search engines.


Keywords are words and phrases search engines use to find web pages. Communicating to search engine algorithms what the page is about increases its chances of appearing in response to specific user searches. Marketers who effectively utilise keywords can make their content more user-centric while increasing the chance of ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

When someone enters their query into a search engine, robots use bots to crawl all of the web’s pages in search of pages matching it and add these results to an index containing all of its content, from which search engines can access and display.

When performing keyword research, it is crucial to keep these three aspects of keyword analysis in mind: Relevance, Frequency and Authority. Alongside evaluating these performance elements, competitors’ strategies must also be closely evaluated to understand which strategies are working for them and which are not. Semrush can assist with all this and more!


Search engines strive to provide results that meet user queries. To do this, they survey and understand the vast collection of content on the Web. In ranking pages effectively, Augmentum-Digital SEO Sydney uses an algorithm that considers keywords associated with searches and the relevance of specific pages to those searches.

Due to this, it is vital to devise an extensive Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) plan. It involves various elements, including keyword research, on-page optimisation and link building. Furthermore, having a firm grasp of who your audience members are and the type of information they’re searching for online will be invaluable in crafting the optimal strategy for SEO success.

People used search engines in the past to access information ranging from Billy Joel song lyrics and relationship advice to takeout menus. Today, however, search engine users seek more than facts or quick answers; they seek expertise, authority, and trustworthiness in search results.

This reality has resulted in many modifications to how search engines process website information. For example, the Google Hummingbird update introduced natural language processing that seeks to comprehend better what’s on pages and their meaning; this should help search engines deliver more relevant results by considering all aspects of a query instead of only individual words alone; pages featuring well-written, informative text will likely rank higher than pages featuring repeated keywords or superficial information.


Every second, million search engine queries are conducted worldwide – from lyrics of Billy Joel songs to finding nearby Chinese takeout. As such, search engines continuously evolve to provide users with the most relevant results to their inquiries.

Search engines index websites by crawling their content using bots known as spiders, which collect and download information about each page they visit and store it in an index. When someone uses a search engine, its algorithm uses this index to analyse it and display relevant results based on keywords searched. It does this by looking up pages that include those terms as part of its algorithm – an impressive feat in milliseconds! Understanding this process will be critical when trying to improve SEO strategies.


Making marketing truly outstanding requires careful analysis of data. It is especially true for SEO, where even small adjustments impact search performance and user experience. That is why your SEO budget must include time for tracking and analysing data.

Enhancing page speed could dramatically impact both SEO and user experience, which is particularly significant as industry studies indicate that 9 out of 10 people access the Internet via mobile devices.

Analytic tools make it possible to monitor each factor affecting your website’s ranking and use this data to shape your SEO strategy, making changes that will be most impactful. For instance, analytics tools allow you to see which keywords drive visitors directly to your site, the average SERP position, and the number of visitors each keyword brings in.