Dental Crowns Adelaide – What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are caps that completely encase a damaged tooth to improve its strength, appearance or alignment within your smile. They also protect your remaining natural teeth from further damage or failure.

Dental Crowns Adelaide - What Are Dental Crowns?Our Modbury, Adelaide dental clinic uses CEREC technology to digitally scan and fabricate your crown restoration in a single visit. It means fewer injections and less time in the chair! For quality dental crowns, check this out.


Dental crowns are porcelain ‘caps’ that fit over damaged or otherwise imperfect teeth to improve their appearance and strength. They protect weak or broken teeth from further damage, help prevent tooth loss and can boost self-confidence, among other things.

Your dentist will first prepare the tooth by removing any existing fillings, shaping it, and reducing its size to match other teeth in your smile. They may also recommend root canal treatment to address any damage or decay on the tooth.

Your dentist uses modern digital technology to scan the prepared tooth, constructing your crown model. It is fed into a machine that creates your crown from a ceramic block – often in just one appointment! The result is a restoration that looks and feels like your natural tooth. Our team will check it for proper bite, spacing and alignment before cementing it in place permanently. They’ll provide care instructions and encourage regular dental visits to ensure the longevity of your new crowns.


During your first appointment, your dentist will use an impression material to capture an accurate reproduction of your teeth’s shape and size. They may also apply a temporary crown to protect your tooth as they await the fabrication of the permanent crown in a laboratory. For quality dental crowns, check this out.

Depending on the type of crown you choose, your dentist can also modify its colour to closely match your other teeth and blend in with the surrounding area. They can also adjust the crown’s design to address issues with your bite or an overbite.

If you have a dental crown, you can improve its lifespan by taking care of it and avoiding damaging habits such as chewing on hard and sticky foods. It is also essential to visit your dentist regularly so they can check the health and condition of your crowns. In some cases, crowns require repair or replacement due to chipping, cracking or breaking. It is often a result of wear and tear, severe tooth decay or faulty bite.


A crown is a custom-made cap that completely covers a damaged tooth. It can strengthen a cracked or structurally compromised tooth, cover a discoloured tooth, replace large fillings, and help improve the appearance of a smile. Crowns are made of many materials, including porcelain, zirconia, gold alloy or a mixture of these and can be matched to the colour of the teeth.

After endodontic treatment (root canal therapy), they can restore a tooth, which leaves the tooth devitalised. It makes it brittle and more prone to fracture, but a crown can help hold the parts of the tooth together.

While crowns are long-lasting, they require the same care as natural teeth. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups will help them last as long as possible. The best way to extend the life of your crown is to avoid biting or chewing hard foods or objects and limit your intake of dark-coloured food and drink. For quality dental crowns, check this out.


A crown is often the best option when teeth have been heavily restored or severely damaged. It covers the whole tooth, allowing us to change its appearance, shape and size and reducing the risk of breakage.

Ceramic crowns are also great for covering discoloured teeth that veneers cannot improve and provide an alternative to metal-based fillings. Modern ceramic materials are more robust and aesthetically pleasing and can even be made without any metal lining if desired.

Cosmetic Dentist Adelaide: How a Cosmetic Dentist Can Improve the Appearance of Teeth and Smiles

A cosmetic dentist Adelaide can perform treatments to improve the appearance of teeth and smiles. It includes whitening, crowns, fillings and veneers.

Cosmetic Dentist Adelaide: How a Cosmetic Dentist Can Improve the Appearance of Teeth and SmilesHaving a beautiful smile has a positive impact on a patient’s life. Here are five benefits of having a cosmetic dentistry treatment carried out. GlamSmile porcelain veneers are fragile and can be bonded to natural teeth without cutting back any healthy tissue.

Improved Self-Confidence
A smile is crucial to your self-image and how you interact with people. Cosmetic dentistry strives to improve the look of your teeth and smile to help you feel confident about yourself in social and professional situations.

Many dentists offer a range of cosmetic procedures, including teeth whitening, dental crowns or caps, veneers, and implant surgery. Your regular family or general dentist may be able to provide the less invasive of these cosmetic procedures but will refer you to a specialist if they cannot perform the work you need.

One of the most commonly used cosmetic treatments by a dentist in Adelaide is the application of porcelain veneers. These are extremely thin, which allows them to be directly bonded to the teeth’ surface without significantly cutting back healthy tooth tissue. It means that veneers can be performed quickly and with minimal discomfort. They also offer a natural appearance and are stain-resistant.

A More Youthful Appearance
Dental procedures can help you achieve a more youthful appearance. Many cosmetic dentists in Adelaide offer treatments such as dental implants, teeth whitening, and veneers that can improve the look of your smile. These services will make your smile look brighter and younger, boosting your self-esteem. For more information about the cosmetic dentist Adelaide, click here.

A beautiful smile can enhance your image, so cosmetic dentistry is popular among people who want to improve their smiles. However, consulting an experienced dental professional who can provide the best results is essential.

A dentist who specialises in cosmetic dentistry has advanced training and skills that can help you look your best. They can also provide you with a comprehensive range of services to meet your needs. These services include teeth whitening, implants, and fillings. They can even fix crooked or discoloured teeth with veneers. Moreover, these professionals can remove unsightly metallic fillings and make your teeth whiter. They will also help you feel confident when smiling and even increase your chances of finding a job.

Improved Bite
Many dental professionals offer cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening, dental veneers, and clear braces. These procedures improve the appearance of your smile and boost your self-esteem. However, it’s essential to choose the right dentist for your needs. A qualified cosmetic dentist will have extensive experience and expertise in these procedures.

A cosmetic dentist in Adelaide will consult you on all your options for improving the appearance of your smile. They will help you select the most appropriate procedure for your goals and budget. Some treatments can be as simple as closing a gap between your teeth or as complex as replacing missing teeth with implants and crowns. You can expect to see results after just a few visits. For more information about the cosmetic dentist Adelaide, click here.

Better Oral Health
A cosmetic dentist in Adelaide will fix chipped, discoloured and crooked teeth. The results can be life-changing for patients as they gain more confidence to smile and speak in public. They may even find that their job prospects improve as employers seek candidates who present well in interviews.

Another benefit of a cosmetic dentist is that they can help correct bite issues due to worn or missing teeth. It is often not considered a cosmetic issue, but it can make eating uncomfortable and difficult. That is because the jaw muscles are constantly forced to compensate for the missing or uneven teeth.

Cosmetic dentists offer treatments such as veneers, teeth whitening and dental implants to fix these issues and give you a beautiful smile. These minimally invasive procedures do not reduce healthy tooth tissue like traditional veneers. The GlamSmile porcelain veneers are super thin, meaning the cosmetic dentist can use minimal natural tooth tissue when bonding them to your teeth.